Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Health Carnival 2009 健康嘉年华2009

Health Carnival 2009/ 健康嘉年华2009

Date/ 日期:27-09-2009 (Sunday/ 星期日)

Time/ 时间:10am-6pm

Venue/ 地点:槟岛时代广场 Open Plaza, Penang Times Square

提高人们对健康及捐献器官醒觉意识和协助改善槟城中央医院血库在开斋节期间面对血液短缺的问题, 由槟州政府及马来西亚佛教青年总会槟城州联委会共同举办的SaveLives拯救生命》健康嘉年华2009将在927(周日),早上10时至下午6在槟城时代广场举行.



Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (Penang State Liaison Committee) with the cooperation of The Penang State Government will be organizing “Save Lives” Health Carnival 2009.

The activities include FREE health checks, blood donation, organ donation awareness campaign, Children Coloring Contest (10.30am-2.30pm), health talks, and etc.

We welcome everyone to join us to save more lives and live a healthy life!

For details please contact 0124279243 or

email us at ybampslc.welfare@gmail.com

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